Legendary Director Alejandro Jodorowsky Quietly Releases New Ambient EP

Alejandro Jodorowsky

Legendary filmmaker Alejandro Jodorowsky quietly released a new ambient EP earlier this month. “Ambient Moods 1”  consists of 6 tracks and was released via ABKCO Music & Records. The EP sees the visionary director of cult classics like El Topo and The Holy Mountain exploring soothing soundscapes and meditative tones. As of now, there’s little to no information readily available about the release aside from its appearance on major streaming services. 

Jodorowsky has dabbled in music before, creating original compositions and collaborating with others on soundtracks for many of his films. The title “Ambient Moods 1” suggests that this is the first in a series of ambient releases from the 94-year-old artist, so we’ll see what happens. He seems determined not to let age get in the way of his creative pursuits. He released his most recent film, Psychomagic, a Healing Art at the age of 90, and according to IMDb, co-wrote (alongside Taika Waititi and Flight of the Conchords’ Jemaine Clement), Waititi’s upcoming “epic space opera” The Incal, which is based on a graphic novel by the equally legendary Jean ‘Moebius’ Giraud.

Listen to “Ambient Moods 1” below:

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