Directed by Julien Dahl, “Camjackers” is a previously “lost” indie film (one of Olivia Wilde’s earliest films after The O.C.) and is available to watch in its entirety via YouTube. Keep an eye out for some classic LA underground hip hop legends such as Aceyalone, Myka 9, 2Mex, Phoenix Orion, and Medusa.
” It’s cool, man. We’ve got black friends…” Two rich, clueless film school grads (“the Filmfakers”) are shooting a modernized “ghetto” interpretation of an ancient Greek play on the mean streets of Los Angeles. Their equipment is “borrowed” by three street youths (“the Camjackers”), who shoot a compelling documentary on underground hip hop. The Filmfakers rip off the Camjackers’ film and rise to fame and fortune. The Camjackers see their stolen work on TV and seek revenge.