Awesome new track from SURVIVE.
(Edit: These guys later went on to make the music for Stranger Things).
Awesome new track from SURVIVE.
(Edit: These guys later went on to make the music for Stranger Things).
Experimental hip hop trio clipping. continues their impressive streak by releasing relatively back-to-back singles. Since their debut, clipping. has consistently pushed the boundaries of hip
The L.A. Darkwave Tape by ZACKEY FORCE FUNK Tucson, AZ seems to have a unique atmosphere that nurtures creativity, especially when it comes to the
Via bjooks.com Opening with a foreword from prolific Rush frontman Geddy Lee, THE MINIMOOG BOOK presents more than a decade’s worth of research-turned-storytelling by author,
Disco UFO by Captain DJ (Mort Garson) Legendary synth pioneer Mort Garson’s long-lost 7″ record got a digital release last month by the always-reliable Sacred
ArticulatedTexTiles by Video Dave X Controller 7 I’ll be honest; I had every intention of diving into ArticulatedTexTiles the moment it landed in my inbox.
When I first saw this, I thought it was just a fan-made mock-up, but as it turns out, it’s 100% real, and it’s being sold