Every once in a while, an artist/band that everyone is blogging about is actually worthwhile. A lot of the “buzz bands” these days are overhyped, gimmicky, and don’t deserve a good amount of the attention that they get. This is not the case for Brooklyn’s Twin Shadow. His new record Forget, which was recently released on Chris Taylor (Grizzly Bear)’s Terrible Records has definitely made my top 10 for 2010. Straight-up well-written indie-pop songs like the one above, and if you like the Smiths, you’re in luck. There’s a song on this record that you’d SWEAR that Morrissey was singing on, and that’s a good thing. Seems like good things are coming out of Terrible Records these days. Just last week I posted another Terrible Records/NY artist Class Actress, and it looks like they’ve recently released a 7″ with an unreleased Arthur Russell track. Keep an eye on this label.