“Life After The Goonies” is a new documentary by Lisa Downs, exploring the lives of the cast from the 1985 classic, “The Goonies.” It looks at their experiences, careers, and how the film affected them nearly 40 years later. Downs recently launched a Kickstarter to fund the project, gaining strong support and sharing behind-the-scenes updates. The crowd-funding has reached just under half of its goal, with a little over 3 weeks left. While details and release dates are still under wraps, the documentary promises a nostalgic dive into the legacy of “The Goonies“.
Wired for Chaos: Harley Flanagan’s Punk Odyssey Gets the Documentary Treatment
Harley Flanagan: Wired for Chaos is a documentary that explores musician Harley Flanagan‘s chaotic life and transformation, chronicling his journey from a tumultuous punk upbringing