It’s easy to get completely lost in David Krovblit’s work. Every time I look at his intricate and extremely colorful images, I notice something I hadn’t noticed the first time around.
He’s really mastered his craft over the years. Initially, a photographer from Toronto, he’s morphed into a talented collage artist, weaving together surreal imagery to create completely new worlds out of his new home base in Los Angeles.
His process for creating these collages is pretty smart. He crafts the scenes digitally on the computer, then prints the images out large-scale, cuts and reassembles everything, then covers it all in resin. (View a video of his process here). It’s such a great way to preserve the aesthetic and physical depth of collaging, while also being able to magnify the imagery.
Check out more of David’s work at krovblit.com
First album you bought?
Bob Marley – Catch a Fire
Last album you bought?
Honestly, can’t remember.
First concert?
Michael Jackson and the Jackson 5
Last concert?
Was there one album that made a significant impression on you?
Beatles – Let it be
Who is your musical hero?
David Bowie
How important is music to your creative process?
Music is integral to our existence. It can help you out of bad times, make good times even better and connect people and bring us together. I need music to work and to live.
BONUS: Is there any music in particular getting through this strange time we’re living through?
I have been finding a lot of comfort in the golden oldies and Motown.
My parents only listened to that sort of stuff. They have both been gone
for years now. I guess during tough times I feel a little closer to them when I listen to it.
David Bowie – Life on Mars
Kinks – Apeman
Detroit Grand Pubahs – Sandwiches
Mr Oizo – Flat Beat
Johnny Cash and Bob Dylan – Girl from the North Country
Elvis Costello – This Year’s Girl
Kinks – Come Dancing
Beatles – Let It Be
Black Sabbath – Iron Man
Alan Parsons Project – Don’t Answer Me
Queen – Don’t Stop Me Now
Toto – Africa
Traffic – Dear Mr Fantasy
Blind Faith – Can’t Find My Way Home
Seu Jorge – Changes
Check out David’s playlist below on Spotify. Be sure to like Background Noise on Facebook for updates on future episodes. You can browse ALL the Background Noise episodes right here.