Sextile – “Current Affair” (2018)

LA-based post-punk/darkwave group Sextile has released a couple of EPs/LPs since this particular track came out in 2018, but I’m highlighting this one because I can’t stop revisiting it.

Sure, the band would probably prefer I talk about their most recent record, Push, which came out last September, but every time I play “Current Affair”, I can’t focus on anything else because I’m too into the song to bother.

The lyrics, written by vocalist Sienna, address the regression and backwards motion of America as a nation, with things happening rapidly before our eyes something still quite relevant in 2024 as we enter into what’s guaranteed to be a tumultuous 6 months leading up to the most consequential election of our lifetimes.

Check out more of their music over on their Bandcamp page.

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