I recently stumbled on this 10-minute documentary on legendary underground MC Siah (Nadav Samin). In the late 90s heyday of underground hip hop, the only way to discover the good stuff in rural New Hampshire was via websites like Sandbox Automatic and ATAK, which shipped whole paychecks worth of records to my little post office across the street.
During that time, I discovered all of the records that Bobbie’s Fondle ‘Em label was putting out, specifically the incredible EP from a duo called Siah & Yeshua Dapo ED. They had a very short run together, although would appear on the songs of others, and Yeshua branched off to do more solo stuff, as well as his project Wee Bee Foolish. Siah seemed to have disappeared after a while, leaving all of the fans who were obsessed with the limited output that was there wanting more.
These days, Siah/Nadav teaches, writes, and still dabbles in music (although he leans more toward the classical/piano side of things). This short is an interesting look into the guy on these records that people really didn’t know much about.
And if you’ve made it this far and are NOT familiar with Siah & Yeshua’s “The Visualz” EP, do yourself a favor…