‘Free LSD’ by OFF!: A Punk Rock Comedy with AI, Parallel Universes, and Legendary Cameos

Free LSD is a comedy film starring the punk rock band OFF!. The story revolves around Keith Morris, an aging sex shop owner who falls for a younger woman. When their relationship turns physical, Keith’s battle with erectile dysfunction leads him to try an experimental drug. This drug transports him to a parallel universe where he is the lead singer of OFF!. In this alternate world, an advanced AI species attempts to stop the band from creating a new album that could awaken human consciousness.

Joe Baughman directed the film, which features guest appearances by Jack Black, David Yow, DH Peligro (Dead Kennedys), Davey Havok, Angelo Moore (Fishbone) The film has garnered positive reviews and holds an 8.6/10 rating on IMDb. OFF!’s Free LSD, was released in 2022 by Fat Possum Records and includes cover art by Raymond Pettibon.

OFF! will be performing farewell shows across the US in July and August 2024. These events will include screenings of the Free LSD movie and Q&A sessions. The band will be joined by groups such as Fucked Up and Surfbort at various stops. A red band trailer for the film, showcasing its quirky and comedic storyline, was released in May 2024.

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